Minutes of the Meeting of the Council
held in the New Beaconsfield Hall on Thursday 17th February 2022 at 7.30pm
Present: Carole Arnold, Matthew Colledge, Rob Dyer, Jackie Loring, Jill Mavin (Chair), Tim Yates, County Cllr Liz Leffman, Parish Clerk Zoe Thornburgh and 3 members of the public.
- Apologies for absence: were received from Cllr Brunsden.
- Declarations of Interest: None
- Resolved: That the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th January 2022 were approved and signed as a correct record by the Chair.
- Matters arising from previous minutes: None
- Public participation session
5.1 A presentation by Stuart Norridge, Governor of Burford School, was heard by Council. Mr Norridge expressed a wish to increase the profile of Burford School governors in the area and build a closer working relationship with local councils. He explained that the governing body has 3 functions: vision, accountability and to monitor finances, with roles including the support and challenge of the school’s Head, recently arrived from St Edwards School, Oxford, and creating close links with the school by working with individual departments. Amongst his many roles and responsibilities, Mr Norridge works with the Staff & Student Support Committee, which is currently discussing pastoral care, exam results and mental health. He has also rewritten a history of the school to celebrate its 450-year anniversary.
5.2 Tim Sumner introduced himself to the Council. He is pleased to be standing as the Lib Dem candidate for Ascott, Shipton and Lyneham in the upcoming May elections.
5.3 Ian Halliday spoke against the planning application 22/00041/OUT.
- County Councillor report
County Councillor Leffman reported on the following:
6.1 The first budget for the new Oxfordshire Fair Deal Alliance was passed 08/02/22. This included £1.3m for Climate Emergency and £2m for special needs and disabilities. Also of note was that the Alliance plans to undertake a complete review of public transport in Oxfordshire.
6.2 Following a visit to Thames Water, WODC plan to organise surgeries where communities can meet with related agencies to discuss local flooding issues. Invitations to attend will be issued to Council when surgery dates have been set.
6.3 Following the revoking of the temporary HGV ban through Burford, WODC is to compile an overall HGV strategy. Consultation will take place in the next 6 months as part of the County Transport Plan, and implementation anticipated within 12-18 months.
6.4 Consultation on Local Transport & Connectivity Plan (LTCP) is ongoing until 16 March; this includes HGV routes. Please see to comment.
6.5 Consultation on Library & Heritage Strategy is ongoing until 18/03. Please see as above to comment.
- Planning
Applications received from WODC:
22/00041/OUT Land adj to 10 Coombes Close, SUW
Erection of a 2-storey detached dwelling with associated parking and works
Parish Council made no objection but asked it to be noted that
i, this was dependent upon drainage conditions being maintained, and
ii, historically, the land has been important for the community as a recreation area.
22/00328/HHD Walnut Tree House, Milton Road, SUW
External alterations to form large, glazed area and works to balcony area
Parish Council made no objection.
21/01381/FUL Shaven Crown Hotel, High Street, Shipton-under-Wychwood
Construction of two detached two storey buildings to form four hotel bedrooms (amended)
Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds that the amendments do not address the issues of the previous application. Therefore, the Council’s comments from Nov 2021 still stand.
WODC decisions:
21/03927/HHD Wych Court, High Street, SUW
Alterations to incl replacement bay windows, reinstate opening, conversion of store to office and single storey rear/side extn.
Approved by WODC.
21/03836/FUL Tennis Courts, Beaconsfield Hall, Station Rd, SUW
Erection of 9 lighting columns to provide floodlighting tennis courts 1 & 2.
Refused by WODC.
Other planning issues:
21/03263/HHD Station House, Station Road
Appealed – Council confirmed it has no wish to retract its previous decision (see Oct21 minutes, item 9a).
- Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022
Cllrs Yates and Loring reported that a variety of family entertainments have been planned, around an afternoon tea. A wet weather contingency plan was discussed.
- 20mph zone proposal
In discussion with County Cllr Leffman, Council was encouraged to make an application for the 20mph scheme, but it was agreed to discuss with OCC before making any plans.
Action: County Cllr Leffman to put us in contact with James Wright, OCC Traffic & Traffic Schemes Technical Officer
- Wychwoods Working Together initiative
Resolved: A budget of £200 was approved.
Action: Cllr Mavin to arrange a meeting of Wychwood Parish Councils for late February/early March.
- TreeTech report
Council received TreeTech’s duty of care survey of the trees owned by the parish, completed Oct 2021. This recommended safety work to be completed over the next 3 to 12 months. Councillors agreed that the works must be completed but wanted to obtain additional quotes before proceeding.
Action: Cllr Yates is to contact TreeTech for discussion of their quote and timings.
- New salt bin
It has been noted that a salt bin already exists in the area required. No action needed.
- Shipton Fair costs
Resolved: Costs of specific items were approved as follows: up to £500 for prizes, up to £300 for new game construction, up to £150 for raffle tickets and £55 for Witney Town Band.
Action: Cllr Brunsden is to arrange these items and forward invoices to Clerk for payment.
- New road crossing, Milton Road
Concerns were raised re the viability of a new road crossing on Milton Road, owing to its location near a bend and the costs involved. Also, a crossing already exists a few yards further along the road. Pavement and sign modifications and traffic calming measures were suggested alternatives.
Council agreed to await a consultation with OCC before proceeding further.
Action: County Cllr Leffman to put us in contact with James Wright, OCC
- Allotment wall repairs
To be deferred until March meeting.
Action: Clerk to add this item to the March meeting agenda.
- Volunteers signs
Resolved: Purchase of up to 4 ‘Work in Progress’ signs, at approx. £26 each, was approved.
Action: Cllr Arnold to purchase signs and forward invoice to Clerk for payment.
- Speedwatch brackets
Resolved: Purchase of 3 mounting kits for Speedwatch signs at £55 each was approved.
Action: Ian Drainer to purchase and forward invoices to Clerk for payment
- Speedwatch signs
Resolved: Purchase of 2 Speedwatch signs was approved at £49.36 each was approved.
Action: Ian Drainer to purchase and forward invoices to Clerk for payment
- Financial and administrative matters
19.1 The year-to-date financial summary & monthly bank reconciliation was circulated before the meeting.
Bank statement to 31st January 2022
Unity Trust Current Account £64,161.98
Unity Trust Deposit Account £55,702.43
Allotment Rents £40.00
VAT refund £733.48
Resolved: To make bank transfer payments of the following Schedule of Accounts
Zoe Thornburgh Salary & expenses Jan 2021 £671.92
Lisa Wilkinson Salary Jan 2021 £292.77
HMRC PAYE £123.40
Castle Water Allotment water bill (monthly direct debit) £17.38
Sophie England Gardening at playground £90.00
Alfred Groves & Son Cable ties for parish maintenance £14.63
Viking Stationery £50.11
Fruitful Branch Orchard 3rd year prune £120.00
TreeTech Tree Survey of 31 trees £426.00
Ben Jessey Allotment maintenance £205.00
Witney Town Band To play at Shipton Fair (deposit) £55.00
Action: Payments to be authorised by Cllrs Mavin and Dyer.
19.2 Review of YTD expenditure and significant carryover
If outstanding payments are taken into account, there is unlikely to be a carryover from this financial year. Provision for large future payments and donation requests were considered, namely tree works recommended by tree survey, funding for West Oxford Community Transport (WOCT) 210 bus service, and donations to 1st Wychwood Scouts and Ascott Pre-School.
Resolved: To make donations of £500 to WOCT, £350 to 1st Wychwood Scouts and £100 to Ascott Pre-School.
Resolved: To discuss tree works and a further donation to community bus service at next Council meeting.
Action: Clerk to place resolved donations on next month’s agenda for payment.
Action: Cllr Yates to review tree works quote and WOCT funding and make a proposal at next month’s meeting
19.3 Review of James Alfred Willis Trust investment account
Resolved: Investment account funds may be transferred to an alternative account with a higher interest rate, as long as no additional costs are incurred.
Action: Clerk to consider alternative accounts, and make changes as necessary.
19.4 Review of Risk Management Scheme
Resolved: Existing scheme adopted.
19.5 Review of Asset Register
Resolved: A number of items are to be removed as unfit for purpose or no longer exist.
Action: Clerk to update Register
Action: Cllr Arnold to take photos of large hedge cutter so that Cllr Colledge can try to recycle it.
- Councillor Portfolios
Cllr Dyer reported that, as part of its regular check, the defibrillator battery was changed last month. The defib training, which was postponed earlier this month, will be reinstated soon.
- The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday 17th March 2022 at 7.30pm in New Beaconsfield Hall.
The meeting was closed at 9.50pm.